Residential & Commercial


From the beginning, residential and commercial projects have been at the heart of our design. We create unique residential complexes, shopping malls, retail centers, workspaces, hotels, resorts, sports complexes, leisure centers, and much more..

  • People always aspire for a better lifestyle. There are a set of standards and it is our responsibility to meet them.

    At LDRS, we ensure a healthy, hygienic, safe, friendly and cutlurally integrated residential environment. We work closely with our clients, and deliver a carefully planned final product that can easily be maintained.

  • For shoppers to spend a lot of time at a mall and outlet, the design needs to be strategic. Studying the behavior of shoppers, integrating new technologies, and introducing relevant entertaining activities and spaces to invite shoppers to spend more time are priorities when we approach mall design.

  • The hospitality industry is based upon a model of two partners:

    1- The landlords or the investors who are aiming at a long term

    2- Operators who bring to life their own operating systems, branding standards, reservations database and human resources.

    LDRS is the independent third party arbiter. We work with the other stakeholders to help achieve the common interest, developing a hospitality offer with high occupancy, customer traffic, and revenues.

  • We have designed and manage some exciting projects including stadiums clubhouses, and other recreational facilities across the MENA region.

  • Due to the evolution in technology, rapid radical changes are constantly transforming the size, shape, quality and quantity of the workplace. Smaller more powerful machines, stricter and more demanding comfort standards, variable job demands (changing with the varying global economy cycle)... all of this requires constant observation and analysis.

    At LDRS, we share our growing knowledge and experience to improve the quality of workspaces and ensure that our projects meet the up-to-date standards requirements.