Medical City - Basra

  • Basra Medical City is a 400 bed general hospital situated in the Basra province of southern Iraq. The hospital is designed to include high-technological medical equipment. Rising 7 floors high, the hospital hosts all the vital departments of a general hospital. The hospital’s floor plan forms a figure -8 which proves to be a highly efficient layout for hospital structures. The central node of the figure-8 hosts all primary vertical circulation to the various floors as well as the primary circulation to the different wings. The entire building is punctured by two main courtyards thus completing the figure-8 form; the courtyards provide natural light and ventilation as well as spatially separate the different wards from one another and from the central core of the building.

  • Basra, Iraq.

  • Arabian Civil Works Company (ACW)

  • Healthcare Institution

  • Architecture Design, Structural Design, MEP Design.

  • 2011


Maysan University - Baghdad


Orphanage - Deddeh